October 3rd
Craig Harguess, founder of The Bad Roman Project, is back. We'll touch on the obvious compatibility between Anarchy and Christianity, but our bigger
conversation will focus on the forgotten victims of the lockdown and mandates. There are uncounted numbers of dead and it's not the fault of some
virus, unless that virus is Government. Many people in ill health either or both physical and mental fell victim to the actions of the state and state
October 10th
Jeff Martinez is one of my closest friends, he's a husband and father, a musician and audiphile, and he's back on the show to talk about all of those
things in the context of a COVID world that resembles nothing like the one we grew up in.
October 17th
It's a free-for-all on the show today. I'm going to try to cover everything important that has ever happened in two hours! The NWO, Vaccine Mandates,
Comic Book References, everything! We'll solve the world's problems in two hours or less!
October 24th
Open Phones on the show today. Your calls, comments and questions. We can make it what the kids these days call an AMA (ask me anything) episode.
Anarchy, economics, history, Them and They, current events, pop-culture. Tell me something I don't know. Ask me something I can't answer.
Call 512.248.8252 Everyone who participates in the show today can have a copy of Economics in One Lesson.
October 31st
Dr. Dean Lloyd is back to continue our look at Cruising the Epiphany Highway. This time we will talk about grief and finding ways to deal with
death and loss and change.
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