Toward Anarchy with Michael Storm
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Toward Anarchy Archive November 2021

Archive / 2021

November 7th
At 12:03 AM this morning it ocurred to me to stop procrastinating and prioritize. Maybe that works for you? Maybe it comes natural? For others it is hard work, work on top of the work that needs done. I'm the latter. But, I don't see why that can't or shouldn't change. So, to that end, I bring the idea to you in an effort to convince myself.

November 14th
It is becoming increasingly harder to communicate complicated ideas. Our communication skillset has devolved into 160 character headlines and quick quips with little or no context in which to evaluate them. Fake News, so called real news, trolls, satire, narcissism and nihilism confuse even simple notions. I have some tips to practice to help you better communicate in any sitation.

November 21st
The Kyle Rittenhouse verdict almost makes you think the system works, almost. The Right of Self-Defense was reaffirmed live for the world to see. He never should have been charged. It should not have been national news. The left wanted to showcase a white guy with a gun getting his just deserts and almost entirely ignored the black guy acquitted the same day of shooting home invaders in uniform. Goes against the narrative that self-defense is valid and warranted under ANY assault.

November 28th
Facilitator and Healer Dr. Dean Lloyd returns to the show to talk about Expecting the Unexpected. My life is defined by the idea of expecting the unexpected, or at least Accepting the Unexpected. And, I will frame what should be the anarchist position on intellectual property.

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