Toward Anarchy with Michael Storm
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Archive / 2021 / November

Toward Anarchy November 7th

Listen Live This Sunday 1-3 pm CDT

* Full Episode MP3 *

At 12:03 AM this morning it occurred to me to stop procrastinating and prioritize. Maybe that works for you? Maybe it comes natural? For others it is hard work, work on top of the work that needs done. I'm the latter. But, I don't see why that can't or shouldn't change. So, to that end, I bring the idea to you in an effort to convince myself.

Jerome Powell says the great resignation, and labor shortage are healthy. What he is really saying is meant to distract from the larger economic issues including those driving the great resignation. It's a white-wash of goverment and Fed interference in the market and the damage caused by the mandates and closures.

Maine passes right to food Amendment. The new law in Maine makes it a right for residents, protects their right to grow, harvest, and consume their own food. The law further protects seed harvesting and sharing. It's far from perfect as all such instruments of protection are, but it is an example of a seemingly successful attempt to take power back.


WSJ Opinion Piece says The 2nd Amendment is For Everyone. I agree. It is clear that the intent of the 2nd Amendment is to ensure ALL PEOPLE have the basic right to defend themselves and that a Free State demanded that protect if the people were to face an invading state.

Anarchy in Quotations

“I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself.” - Rita Mae Brown

Anarchy In Meme

Vaccine Headlines from CNN
Vaccine Headlines from CNN 

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