Toward Anarchy with Michael Storm
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Toward Anarchy Archive November 2023

Archive / 2023

November 5th - Remember Remember
I won't be so trite and simple as to recite a poem that has little to do with liberty, and has been reduced to nothing more than a Hollywood creation that some liberty lovers and truth seekers have adopted like a cult... Remember Remember the 5th of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason, the Gunpowder Treason should e'er be forgot.

November 12th - Michaell Magrutsche
Michaell Magrutsche is an educator, artist and author the former Newport Beach California Arts Commissioner returns to the show for a chat about our dminishing individual time even with new technology and the technology induced lack of self-improvement. We'll consider what AI will do to this already limited time.

November 19th - Turning It Around
Dr Dean Lloyd is a facilitator and healer trained in multiple traditions and his goal is to help individuals connect body mind and spirit to shape and guide their health decisions and to fundamentally change the face of modern health care by doing so. Dr. Lloyd is back and he's here to help us realize that Turning It Around is entirely possible and up to us.

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