Toward Anarchy with Michael Storm
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Toward Anarchy Archive March 2023

Archive / 2023

March 5th - Woody is Right
Actor, activist, Woody Harrelson was Host of Saturday Night Live last weekend and during his monologue he called out the Medical Pharmaceutical Industry, and implicated himself in a violation of social opinion, sometimes called a law. He has since been harassed by State and Media whores. And while I do not agree with everything he said, Woody Harrelson is right, correct, speaking truth, America is not a free country.

March 12th - Banking Busted
Fractional Reserve Banking is busted and the only thing the system knows how to do is keep digging the hole deeper. As the economy continues to collapse we'll see more manipulations leading to greater strife in employment and events like Silicon Valley Bank's failure. The criminals and morons in DC either don't understand the necessity and nature of the market to purge mal-investments or they count on those failures to maintain their power over the people and the economy. I'll wager 32 trillion it is the latter.

March 19th - Spring Cleaning
Facilitator and healer Dr. Dean Lloyd is evolving the species, helping us through the growing and healing processes by connecting body mind and spirit. He joins us just in time for the start of spring and he's going to help us with a little personal spring cleaning project, cleaning up your act with Dr. Dean Lloyd. Join the conversation via chat at the link below or call 512-248-8252 if you'd like to speak with Dr. Lloyd personally.

March 26th - Stop Fooling Yourself
People want to believe the best of each other, themselves, their government. If you're one of these people, you should stop fooling yourself. Other people are not as good as they should be or as you want them to be. They probably aren't as bad either. The same goes for yourself of course. And government is made up of the worst of us. The very people empowered to protect our freedom and our rights are the very people who are most likely to violate them. Whose bright idea was that?

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