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Archive / 2022 / August

Toward Anarchy August 28th

* Listen Live Sunday 1-3 pm CDT *

* Truth Be Told I'm Lying - Full MP3 *

The entire thing has been one great big fraud and truth be told I'm lying. I've decided to admit it to you, and more importantly to myself. I've given you too much credit and I've spoken about a great many things that are simply beyond you. You are not ready for anarchy, but there is good news.

I'm sharing this important information because it's the sort of thing the system puts out that could crash the system. Psychologists introduce short videos to help people understand the methods used to misinform.

Elon Musk has a "controversial" solution to an energy deficient future Nuclear Energy.


Dubbing something as "woke" before its even experienced is all the rage today. Morons and whiners from every corner of the basement chime in their useless two cents on everything from food to movies to books and television, and just like every critic in every itteration before them, nobody is listening any more. The new Predator film Prey was great and if you're not watching it because you heard something about it, you're simply denying yourself a good action movie.

This article is a perfect example of the lack of economic understanding held by the general public and political media mouthpieces. Worse is the core message, just sit back and take it because it could be worse. Don't feel sorry for the author, they're either willingly ignorant or just stupid.

Anarchy in Quotations

“Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy.” - Franz Kafka

Anarchy In Meme

Taxation is Theft
Taxation is Theft 
-People Tired of Being Robbed

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