Toward Anarchy with Michael Storm
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Toward Anarchy Archive December 2021

Archive / 2021

December 5th
Sometimes plans change, and sometimes tech fails us. So, instead of the planned Ask the Anarchist open phones, I eviscerate so called vaccine science and Alec Baldwin. One call does get through and we have a short but great discussion about copyright.

December 12th
Words have meaning and meaning has value, so we should place particular importance on our choice of words when trying to communicate. The more difficult the conversation, the more important the words we choose are appropriate and understood.

December 19th
2021 has liberty on the run and tyranny will stroll right along with us into 2022. A new variant, renewed authoritarian lockdowns and controls on travel and business make it guaranteed continued struggle. Fear and anger will dominate the headlies (not a Freudian slip). But don't let them drive you. Let them live in fear, let them lash out at each other. Re-invest in yourself and your life in 2022.

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