50 Million on contraceptives to the Middle East? No, but 175 Billion to Ukraine in the last few years. That's just the tip of government stupid this week. Is there a real problem finally with automation? I'm celebrating 10 years since my return to the world of comic books, and so is Marvel with Star Wars A New Legacy.
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Anarchist Reacts:
It has been a decade since I returned to the world of comic books and that means it's been a decade since Marvel relaunched their main Star Wars line of comics. All Marvel Star Wars titles came to an end last year and the Star Wars A New Legacy One-Shot sets the stage for the next Star Wars series comic books using some of the past decade's great creators Charles Soule and Jason Aaron.
Anarchist Audit:
No the government did not send 50 million dollars to the middle east to buy condoms for Palestinians, but they absolutely did spend 68 Billion on Aid around the world last year, and more than 175 Billion to Ukraine alone over the last few years Reason Has More on the Entire Subject of Foreign Aid.
They've been working real hard to hide the problems with Ozempic But a New Study Shows Serious Side-Effects including pancreatitis and kidney damage. What amazes me is how they just kinda gloss over the more
dangerous side-effects and opt to tell us how to avoid the most common issues.
Since the industrial age the cry has gone up from the masses that automation will replace the workers and that will lead to people out of work and a down economy and busted dollar and all manner of heartache. And now the next level of automation in retail brings the elite More Tools to Use to Single-out People or groups for exclusion from markets for any given political or social reason as prices go
digital, more checkouts are equipped with digital payment forms and terminals with facial
recognition software.
Diamond Comic Distributors bankruptcy announcement keeps getting worse as we find it's been in the works for months without any hint to stores or publishers it seems and now it looks like they will fail to sell or find investors and come April 1st they'll be done, closed, out of money and out of business.
Anarchy in Quotations
"There is no such thing as freedom of choice unless there is freedom to refuse." -
David Hume
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