Toward Anarchy with Michael Storm
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Episodes / 2025

Toward Anarchy:

#2502 The Lucky Devils

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Unfortunately I was ghosted by my guest... actually, and importantly, it was not the guest who ghosted me, it was his representation. In fact every time I've had a problem connecting with a guest it was, seemingly, their representative that dropped the ball. Either way, it's not a problem and there is plenty to Audit and of course another Anarchist Reacts this time to Charles Soule's The Lucky Devils from Image Comics.

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Anarchist Audit:

Anarchist Reacts to The Lucky Devils from Image Comics by Charles Soule. Collar and Rake are Devils and they've revealed themselves as the antagonists to Cam and Starr two of the Purest Souls on earth. Their job, make them mad, sad, upset and then they spread that ugliness to those around them. But what is the end game breaking the rules of Hell and teaming up with their humans? Hell's elite are in for a wakeup call from the working-class devils.

It's an interesting read, even though there appears to be a serious flaw in methodology where they don't separate young gun owners from older gun owners and I assure you there is a difference; here is a look at the Mental Health of Male Gun Owners?

A first glance at the brain of a drummer may lead one to believe that they have brain damage. After years of drumming the brain has less white matter connections between the right and left sides of the brain, but upon closer inspection are stronger and The Drummer's Brain Is More Efficient

Proof of a claim I've been making for years? You bet! Organizations are making mistakes handling your data and they gaslight you tell you that your passwords and account management are the problem when it's almost exclusively an inside error/job.

Reason covered a topic that I brought up last week, the Surgeon General's push to put warning labels about cancer risks on Alcohol. Is there any real concern or is it just another power/control grab by meddling government stooges as I suggested it is?

Last minute change can bring about great things. Well, I don't know how great this is, but as you know, I said earlier in the season that on paper the Denver Broncos are better than the Kansas City Chiefs and that it would be interesting to see how the season played out. The Broncos are in the playoffs for the first time since I left Denver a decade ago and The Chiefs May Have Made A Huge Mistake Letting Denver In.

Anarchy in Quotations

"If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good?" - Frederic Bastiat

Anarchy In Meme

Republicans, Where The Limited Government At
Republicans, Where The Limited Government At?
-Probably Some Libertarian

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