Toward Anarchy with Michael Storm
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Episodes / 2024 / September

Toward Anarchy September 7th

Capitalism VS

* Listen Saturday at 10 PM CDT *

Anarchist Audit of Capitalism in comparison to every other economic option. Just as the meaning of the word Anarchy is often conflated with the actions of those who call themselves Anarchists, so too is the meaning of Capitalism conflated with the ways some people choose to manage their wealth.

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Anarchist Audit: Capitalism VS

If it wasn't for the Anarchists of the late 1800's the state of free speech would be a lot worse than it is now. Political attacks on anarchists using the police and an ignorant fearful population in the typical fear your neighbor and rat him out tactic Improved America's Free Speech Law.

Taking note that rich people and poor people are not born of each other or themselves makes it hard to accept when the political left says that Wealth Inequality Starts at Birth but it is a simple fact. Again rich people don't birth rich people, and poor people don't birth poor people, but they certainly are born of the people who are rich and poor and mark my words now, the government will use this misunderstanding of fact to institute digital wallets and accounts controlled by government, because it's for the children!

The language of the legal system is purposely confusing because it benefits those who can read it and who otherwise have the time to work it out. A New Study Explains Why Laws Are So Poorly Written and Almost Incomprehensible.

A couple of weeks back I told you that the government was looking to figure out why grocery prices are so high right now? Well the NY Federal Reserve Bank has found sharpened its blame pointing finger and Here's What To Blame the Spike in Grocery Prices.

Corporate DEI is a Dead End Investment and the list of corporations dropping their Diversity Equity and Inclusiveness programs as they fail to produce quality workers and the public gets fed up with the entire idea.

One huge first step could be to fully embrace capitalism, the practice of being the head maker of your economic decisions. Then spread that idea by learning things like Five Ways to Address Pessimism about Capitalism.

Anarchy in Quotations

"The Anarchists never have claimed that liberty will bring perfection, they simply say that its results are vastly preferable to those that follow authority." - Benjamin Tucker

Anarchy In Meme

A Compelling Graph Without Context
A Compelling Graph Without Context
-Not Credited

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