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Toward Anarchy March 3rd
With a new direction and time slot for the show, rather than continue to give you just a taste of the uncounted number of ideas I consider each week,
I thought I would step it up a level. I work through story after story and paper after paper not in any particular effort to find content for the show,
but to be able to frame any conversation I have anywhere in the context of current events and headlines in the news. I collect any number of links and
end up sharing just a couple of them each week, but with the expansion of the show I have the opportunity to share and expound on more of the things I
find interesting and or important. Welcome to The Anarchist Audit.
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The Anarchist Audit: Current Topics from an Anarchist Perspective
It's more important than ever to support free speech and programs like Toward Anarchy, and platforms like RBN. Wherever you see or hear us, give us a like, share, follow, subscribe, it only takes one second. Oh, and if you're not convinced, The Government Spent Millions of Your Tax Dollars Producing Propaganda in the form of Podcasts.
In under three months Javier Milei, Anarchist President of Argentina, has slashed government and reduced spending by as much as half, while ending regulations and currency controls stifling markets and competition. And while there is a long way to go, he's on the path to proving it is possible to change the system from within, you just have to become president of a desperate, broken, corrupt country with the GDP of Georgia.
But, the silencing of comedic voices is just a right-wing conspiracy theory started to demonize young progressives on college campuses... So this story from Fox News about Canceled Comedians is just fake news?
Politicians and other similarly motivated scum continue to confuse the issue of Free Speech First Amendment protections with private property rights to create political and social division causing statists to beg for government intervention. Problem. Reaction. Solution.
It still amazes me the lengths people will go to in order to demonize something they failed at. So I give you some good ol' fashion anecdotal story-telling, laced with a bit of reductio ad absurdum about one woman's failed marriage and how being a "Tradwife", submissive to her husband, taking care of the kids, preparing the meals and home, was a miserable experience.
As an apologist for Anarchy, I'm often tasked by detractors to explain how National Defense is not a valid excuse for centralized authority. Thankfully there is an easy way to disprove The Myth of National Defense through basic economics.
Their numbers are better than their numbers are better than, well nothing is better than good old government statistics! So, let's decry the data collection based on specific government data and point to different government data that pre-supports our opinion and we get this claim. The income gap is widening. But it doesn't matter so much if the income gap is widening, when the real concern should be rise in overall wealth over the same period of time. Specifically the time required to produce enough wealth to participate in any given economic activity. That is the better gage of overall wealth.
"The study examined six textbooks commonly used in California, Texas, New York and Florida—four of the most populous states in the U.S.—and found that none of the books differentiated between sex and gender." That's because until recently it didn't exist. Gender and Sex were synonymous. Gender was what you said when you were speaking medically and didn't want to use the word Sex. We didn't have Gender or Sex roles, we had roles that people filled, in and out of relationships, that are or were dominated by a particular sex for numerous cultural and biological reasons.
Trust the science that takes 94 years to notice an extremely rare fossil artifact was a painted forgery.
It's hard to take these claims seriously when those claims fly in the face of basic physical science. Displacement is a thing. Water is displaced by the totality of the weight of the object in the water. Regardless of when or why this ice sheet melts, it will not cause the sea level to rise. Period. And that puts everything else into question of political agenda, even if factual.
Anarchy in Quotations
“You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.” -
Johnny Cash
Anarchy In Meme
I Asked AI to Imagine My Audience -AI Generated
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