Toward Anarchy with Michael Storm
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Episodes / 2024 / August

Toward Anarchy August 10th

Progressive Minds

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The mind of the Progressive is dangerously dismissive of the notion that Authoritarianism knows no political affiliation. And in the second hour I'm joined by Juan "Punchy" Gonzalez, a veteran live sound engineer, touring production manager, video maker, music producer, musician, and I gather self-professed sex symbol.

Visit Juan's website to check out his music and videos and more.

You can find Juan on Facebook @punchiest and on X @RealCosmicPunch.

Anarchist Audit: Progressive Minds

Just last week I was talking about D-Fens the Michael Douglas character from the movie Falling Down, and the complexity of a protagonist antagonist and a day or two later I came across this list of the 10 best movies where the villian is the protagonist. And wouldn't you know it, falling down did not make the list.

I'm just going to leave this here for those anarcho-communists and other anti-capitalist types, some Marxist douche fails to show how socalism can produce a Playstation 5.

The mainstream media loves to tell you how the economy works or doesn't work based on small subsets of total influential data, then they'll tell you not to read too much into such small subsets of data, but you know as well as I do that we're in a protracted recession as the government debt continues to mount driving the value of the dollar down, driving up prices, driving down consumer spending, driving down avialble jobs.

I spoke about Batman: Caped Crusader, the new Batman Animated series on Prime and that's all it took to bring out the hate surrounding the first episode gender swap of The Penguin. Did doing so dimish the character or their role in the Batman story? Was it a worse story? Absolutely not. In fact it made a much more compelling and ruthless character simply because of her being a mother and her relationship with her children. So, what's the real problem?.

The Progressive Mind is a battlefield of contradiction and ignorance. They claim to be smarter, they claim to have data that shows it, but they're driven by emotion and they control data on which their claims are built, but there is no denying the socialist roots of fascism.

If you believe this nonsense, I have some very "valuable" collector's items I'd like to sell you, at a substantially "reduced" price. The government is directly responsible for mismanagement of the money system and through "over-printing" it has destroyed the value of each individual dollar. It works just like those collectibles I'm talking about. The less there are, the more they are generally worth. So, when the government tells you it wants to know, it either is seriously completely oblivious to its own actions and the economy of it all, or they are blowing smoke up your ass.

Anarchy in Quotations

"Conceived as the foundation for liberty, modern democracy paves the way for tyranny. Born for the purpose of standing as a bulwark against power, it ends by providing power with the finest soil it has ever had in which to spread itself over the social field." - Bertrand de Jouvenel

Anarchy In Meme

Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement
Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement
-Not Credited

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