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Toward Anarchy April 27th
Ask the Anarchist
I answer your questions about Anarchy in an all new episode of Ask the Anarchist. Are there valid, justifiable
hierarchies? What about the power vacuum in the stateless society? Managing Emergency Services? How will anarchy work? What kind of questions are these? I don't know, you asked 'em, I'm just answering them.
Follow the show on the Toward Anarchy Facebook Page and @TowardAnarchy on Twitter.
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Anarchist Audit: They'll Never Take Our Freedumb!
Don't kid yourself, they are coming for the guns, and they'll do it one at a time if they have to, there is no time limit on Authoritarian systems. You do however have to take articles like this click-bait about What Happens When They Are Able to Disarm the Citizenry. While there is truth here, it is mixed and ill presented.
Civil War, it's on the lips and minds of a lot of people right now, and that's just the movie. The Shirky Principle is when a business or government for example, acts purely to justify their own existence will create and or exacerbate the problems that fall under their purview to justify their own existence with their supporters. This week I'll be the guest on Liberty Now, and we'll be talking about, amongst other things, the Shirky Principle, entirely coincidently.
The Horseshoe Theory is the idea that the extreme political left and right are more closely related to each other than they are to the center. I'm willing to accept this as a flawed view of Political Polarity that
mischaracterizes the center as the center. Conveniently, this error fits the real political model I suggest, the straight line of
Total Tyranny to Anarchy. With everything in between those two ideas being some lesser form of
Total Tyranny, there is no center.
My once grand and beautiful Home State of Colorado has taken one step closer to becoming a socialist
totalitarian shit-hole with passing of Semi-Automatic Ban.
Is America in decline? Yes. If the gauge upon which you measure America to the rest of the world is Freedom from the political system? Then yes Time, America is in decline despite your spin.
This quote describes exactly what I mean about when I say there is no such thing as macroeconomics. “The
macro economy looks great, and it might appear inflation has cooled, but when you disentangle the indicators that actually matter to Americans day to day, it’s not so pretty.” That really is something that the upper middle class and rich don't get about economics and inflation's real effects.
The biggest problem with understanding the motives of 'conspiratorial thinking' is the very idea of what a conspiracy actually is, and that many types of conspiracies are lumped together so under analysis the truth of any given individual so called conspiracy is almost never considered. For instance, this HEALTH section look at What Kind of People Fall For Conspiracy Theories.
Proof for one of my central claims and the reasons I call for abolishing policing is right there in the numbers and plainly put, Police DO NOT Solve The Majority of Violent Property Crimes.
Recent fears about Bird Flu jumping to Cows has the fear mongers calling for preemptive government actions including ramping up
bio surveillance.
Anarchy in Quotations
“The Anarchists are right in everything; in the negation of the existing order, and in the assertion that, without authority, there could not be worse violence than that of authority under existing conditions. They are mistaken only in thinking that Anarchy can be instituted by a revolution. "To establish Anarchy." "Anarchy will be instituted." But it will be instituted only by there being more and more people who do not require protection from governmental power, and by there being more and more people who will be ashamed of applying this power.” -
Leo Tolstoy
Anarchy In Meme
-Not Credited