Toward Anarchy with Michael Storm
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Episodes / 2024

Toward Anarchy:

#2440 Anarchist Reacts to Presidential Election

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Anarchist Reacts to the US Presidential Election and left loons losing it over said election, also LEGO Star Wars Rebuilding the Galaxy is a wonderful huge middle finger to all the haters new and old.

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Anarchist Audit:

The Election is over and the winner is government. Donald Trump picks up a second term after a long vacation and word has it America Will Regret Electing Donald Trump. Of course the truth is, it doesn't matter who holds office, nothing fundamental will change in the way government operates and that means nothing will change.

Apparently it was a huge surprise for some people that Donald Trump won and the reactions of left loons are outrageously hilarious from Kimmell and Colbert crying for the camera to any number of sobbing screaming unstable social media posts. Just for fun, here are some Hollywood Reactions to Trump Victory.

It's curious watching people with serious short-term memory decry the very system they claimed worked so well and spoke a mandate so clearly and loudly just a few years ago.

As always I don't ask you to believe me, or frankly care if you do or don't, so I provide the links and I let you decide for yourself. It's not about a world view, it's about facts and the economy is not good and not going to get better. Changing the management of a business will often change the bottom line for the business, may even save it from total failure, but it just doesn't work that way with government and the economy

Here are some economic facts that point to the types of problems that exist that can't be fixed by just changing the management More Government Employees Hired Under Biden Than The Previous 13 Years, also M2 Money Supply Experiences First Year Over Year Decline Since Great Depression

If not Government, then Who Will Protect Us From The Squirrels?

Anarchy in Quotations

"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do." - Friedrich Hayek

Anarchy In Meme

Pick Your Climate Change Culprit
Let's play a game of "Pick Your Climate Change Culprit"
-Not Credited

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