September 3rd - Fed Up!
I have a question for you Are you fed up yet? Have you had your fill of it all? The lies, the theft, the excuses? I have a follow up question for those of you who haven't had enough yet, what will it take?
September 10th - Larken Rose
Anarchist, Author, Larken Rose talks about the Jones Plantation film a thinly veiled allegory about our current political reality and the very nature of government itself.
September 17th - Nick Meyer
Nick Meyer is the One Armed Madman, host of the Too Hard for the Radio Podcast. He makes his return to cover a topic that we touched on in our last converation, transhumanism.
September 24th - Dr. Dean Lloyd
Dr Dean Lloyd is a facilitator and healer trained in multiple traditions and his goal is to help individuals connect body mind and spirit to shape and guide their health decisions and to fundamentally change the face of modern health care by doing so.
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