Toward Anarchy with Michael Storm
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Archive / 2021 / April

Toward Anarchy April 4th

Listen Live This Sunday 1-3 pm CDT

* Full Episode MP3 *

Rodger Sanchez is host of the libertarian Debate Podcast Echo Chamber and my guest for a conversation. We'll talk about his show and we'll get to the heart of why it, and Toward Anarchy, and RBN and FSN and other alternative voices for news and media are so important. Godzilla vs Kong opens online and in theaters. I started watching the Q-Anon doc on HBOMax.

Follow The Echo Chamber on Facebook to stay up to date on the latest and future episodes.

Catch every episode of The Echo Chamber with Rodger Sanchez on YouTube, be sure to subscribe and ' smash that like button as the kids say these days.


Shane and our good friends over at Liberty Under Attack Publications have really appreciated the attention the show pays to them and the creators they support so they've hooked us up with a deal just for our listeners, use the coupon code "STORM" for a 15% discount!

Ron Paul says the 2nd Amendment is in the firing line and lays out some of the current shooters.

Anarchy in Quotations

"They know they are lying. We know they are lying. They know that we know they are lying. Yet they still lie.” ― Aleksandr Solzhenistsyn

Anarchy In Meme

Become the Best Version of Yourself
Become the Best Version of Yourself 
- younghstlrs

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