Sunday February 23rd
Luis Fernando Mises, anarchist, activist, founder of Emancipated Human, we absolutely talk about that. Luis is just back from Anarcapulco so I ask about that. We play a game of word association.
Sunday February 16th
Michael Howell returns to the show. He's back to talk with me about how vitally important it is that the Federal Reserve be abolished. End The Fed.
Sunday February 9th
Jacob Hornberger is my guest. He's president of the Future of Freedom Foundation advancing liberty for more than 30 years. He's also running for POTUS under the Libertarian banner so hopefully he's prepared for a game of word association.
Sunday February 2nd
Ronnie Philips My friend and host of Heartland Waterfowl on the Sportsman Channel is my guest. We'll catch up and talk about the upcoming season of Heartland Waterfowl.
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